Heriot Bay

Quadra island
Darcy Manners
Heriot Bay

Heriot Bay on Quadra Island hosts the most northerly Tru Value store. Heriot Bay is a picturesque harbour facing the Coast Mountains, home of the historic Heriot Bay Inn and a constellation of waterfront resorts, adventure tour outfitters and a closeknit island neighbourhood. Heriot Bay is also the gateway to Cortes and the outer islands in the Discovery group.

About 2400 islanders call Quadra home, and like other destinations between Vancouver Island and the mainland coast, the population triples in the summer.

Darcy Manners, manager of Heriot Bay Tru Value, appreciates the seasonal swell of his customer base. Always a hub of activity on Quadra, in the summer the store also caters to the boating community and to those who shop from neighbouring Discovery islands.

Over the last few years, the Heriot Bay store has expanded its Bakery Deli, introduced a café eatery and an outdoor patio, and reconfigured the floorplan to make space for new products. And the Spirit Board generously assists a broad spectrum of community groups, from the local PAC to the Quadra Children’s Centre to the Salmon Enhancement Society.

What makes Darcy proud of his store? Its island flavour. Heriot Bay Tru Value reflects Quadra to its core, by emphasizing local products – from island orchardists, farmers, beekeepers and seafood fishers – and by responding to islanders’ requests for more organics and healthy, local food.

Regular Hours:
8:00 am - 7:00 pm (daily)

Tru Value Foods
1536 West Road
Quadra Island, BC
V0P 1H0

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